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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The separate self is the problem

I love this medi
mixed media by Sarah Fishburn
 from Fr. Rohr.  Why can't we get this through our heads and eliminate our core anxiety of not being good enough?

Seven Themes of an Alternative Orthodoxy

Fifth Theme: The separate self is the problem, whereas most religion and most people make the shadow self the problem. This leads to denying, pretending, and projecting instead of real transformation into the Divine (Transformation).

Horse First, Cart Follows

Meditation 44 of 53

One of Jesus’ most revealing one-liners is, “Rejoice only that your name is written in heaven!” (Luke 10:20). If we could fully trust this, it would change our whole life agenda. This discovery will not create overstated or presumptuous individualists, as religion usually fears, but instead makes all posturing and pretending largely unnecessary. Our core anxiety that we are not good enough is resolved from the beginning, and we can stop all our climbing, contending, criticizing, and competing. All “accessorizing” of any small, fragile self henceforth shows itself to be a massive waste of time and energy. Costume jewelry is just that, a small part of an already unnecessary costume.
Most of Christian history has largely put the cart of requirements before the “horsepower” itself, thinking that loads of carts, or the best cart, will eventually produce the horse. It never does. The horsepower is precisely our experience of primal union with God. Find God, the primary source, and the springwater will forever keep flowing (Ezekiel 47:1-12; John 7:38) naturally. Once you know that, the problem of inferiority, unworthiness, or low self-esteem is resolved from the beginning and at the core. You can then spend your time much more positively, marching in the “triumphal parade” (2 Corinthians 2:14), as Paul so playfully calls it.
Adapted from Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self, pp. 14-15

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Does it get any better than this?

On Facebok this morning, a friend posted:  
The sun is shining, the kids are healthy & happy, and I love my husband. Does it get any better?

I wanted to say no, as someone else did.  Instead, the following poured out from my spirit:

Yes, there is SO much more.  Look around at all that you have, all possibilities, all that is present, all that God has made for you this day.  There is gratefulness; peace - both inner and world-wide we help create through actions and mindfulness; eyes that see the yellow finch and blue jay, sparkly quartz in granite, and squirrels scampering in the woods; ears that hear the baby's cooing, the birds chirping, the shallow breathing of those transitioning from this life to their heavenly reward, and symphonies that play composers' works so exquisitely that tears well from a filled heart; the touch on your fingers of the velvety feel of lambs ear leaves, worn teddy bears, and soft cheeks of young men about to grow their first whiskers... There's friends strong enough to speak truth to you, and hands willing to lovingly hold yours, and a God Whose love is so tender, merciful, and unconditional that your legs cannot hold you up in His presence.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Unfounded Fear

Such procrastination I tolerate within myself about my writing!  My insecurities with it befuddle me.  I am not used to insecure feelings.  I usually have a boldness about things I do.  But this writing, at least this soul journey book, is so tender… as close to purity as I can get at each moment... a tiny bouquet of God’s sweet soul kisses to me, that I pull back often as I approach this current edit because it feels I’m getting close to releasing it and that fills me with dread.  What if they don’t like it? 

As soon as I write these words, I know the fear has no validity.  Enough people have read the older versions and responded favorably.  I must defeat this spirit of discouragement.  I have prayed out loud, “Spirit of discouragement, leave me!  In the name of Jesus, be gone!  You are not holy and you do not belong here in my sacred soul.  Leave me and do not return!  In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, I command you.  Amen.”

I print the next chapter for my critique group and send it off.  

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust 

painting by Sulamith Wulfing