Such procrastination I tolerate within myself about my
writing! My insecurities with it
befuddle me. I am not used to insecure
feelings. I usually have a boldness
about things I do. But this writing, at
least this soul journey book, is so tender… as close to purity as I can get at
each moment... a tiny bouquet of God’s sweet soul kisses to me, that I pull back often
as I approach this current edit because it feels I’m getting close to releasing
it and that fills me with dread. What if
they don’t like it?
As soon as I write these words, I know the fear has no
validity. Enough people have read the
older versions and responded favorably.
I must defeat this spirit of discouragement. I have prayed out loud, “Spirit of
discouragement, leave me! In the name of
Jesus, be gone! You are not holy and you
do not belong here in my sacred soul.
Leave me and do not return! In
the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, I command you. Amen.”
I print the next chapter for my critique group and send it off.
painting by Sulamith Wulfing